Federal regulators expand overtime pay requirements, ban most noncompete agreements

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has issued a new final rule regarding the salary threshold for determining whether employees are exempt from federal overtime pay requirements. The threshold is slated to jump 65% from its current level by 2025 and is expected to make four million additional workers eligible for overtime pay. On the same […]

Read More Federal regulators expand overtime pay requirements, ban most noncompete agreements

IRS extends relief for inherited IRAs

For the third consecutive year, the IRS has published guidance that offers some relief to taxpayers covered by the “10-year rule” for required minimum distributions (RMDs) from inherited IRAs or other defined contribution plans. But the IRS also indicated in Notice 2024-35 that forthcoming final regulations for the rule will apply for the purposes of determining […]

Read More IRS extends relief for inherited IRAs

IRS issues guidance on tax treatment of energy efficiency rebates

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) established and expanded numerous incentives to encourage taxpayers to increase their use of renewable energy and adoption of a range of energy efficient improvements. In particular, the law includes funding for nearly $9 billion in home energy rebates. While the rebates aren’t yet available, many states are expected to launch their programs […]

Read More IRS issues guidance on tax treatment of energy efficiency rebates

President Biden’s proposed budget highlights his tax agenda

President Biden has released his proposed budget for the 2025 fiscal year, including numerous tax provisions affecting both businesses and individual taxpayers. While most of these provisions have little chance of coming to fruition while the U.S. House of Representatives remains controlled by the Republican Party, they might gain new life depending on the outcome […]

Read More President Biden’s proposed budget highlights his tax agenda

Independent contractor vs. employee status: The DOL issues new final rule

The U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) test for determining whether a worker should be classified as an independent contractor or an employee for purposes of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) has been revised several times over the past decade. Now, the DOL is implementing a new final rule rescinding the employer-friendly test that […]

Read More Independent contractor vs. employee status: The DOL issues new final rule

2024 tax calendar

To help you make sure you don’t miss any important 2024 deadlines, we’ve provided this summary of when various tax-related forms, payments and other actions are due. Please review the calendar and let us know if you have any questions about the deadlines or would like assistance in meeting them. © 2024

Read More 2024 tax calendar

Businesses: Do you have to comply with the new corporate transparency reporting rules?

Your business may soon have to meet new reporting requirements that take effect on January 1, 2024. Under the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), enacted in 2021, certain companies will be required to provide information related to their “beneficial owners” — the individuals who ultimately own or control the company — to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). […]

Read More Businesses: Do you have to comply with the new corporate transparency reporting rules?

IRS delays new reporting rule for online payment processors

For the second consecutive year, the IRS has postponed implementation of a new rule that would have led to an estimated 44 million taxpayers receiving tax forms from payment apps and online marketplaces such as Venmo and eBay. While the delay should spare such taxpayers some confusion, it won’t affect their tax liability or income reporting responsibilities. And […]

Read More IRS delays new reporting rule for online payment processors