US suspends tax treaty with Russia

The United States has formally notified the Russian Federation that it’s suspending elements of an income tax treaty. This is in response to an Aug. 8, 2023, notice by Russia that it wished to suspend parts of the treaty. The suspension is expected to affect the tax obligations and costs of U.S. companies operating in […]

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Credit for research activities

The IRS has released a draft of Form 6765, Credit for Increasing Research Activities (also known as the research credit). The agency revised the form to respond to external feedback received during a comment period. Now, the “business component information” section will be optional for qualified small business taxpayers and those with total qualified research […]

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Alternative dispute resolution

Taxpayers involved in a tax dispute with the IRS may want to consider mediation. Also known as “alternative dispute resolution,” mediation can help taxpayers resolve issues quickly and with less hassle. The process is voluntary and nonbinding on both parties, not requiring either party to relinquish control. It offers a chance to avoid lengthy appeals […]

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Green Energy tax credits

Employers that want to claim “green energy” tax credits made available by the Inflation Reduction Act, take note: The IRS is releasing final regulations and guidance about prevailing wage and apprenticeship (PWA) requirements. In general, businesses must comply with the PWA tests if a worker performs construction, alteration or repair of a qualified facility. However, […]

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