Getting a handle on inventory

Inventory is a key balance sheet item for many companies. Depending on the nature of your operations, inventory may include raw materials, work-in-progress (WIP) inventory and finished goods. While you need to have enough inventory on hand to meet your customers’ needs, carrying excessive amounts can be costly. Here are some smart ways to manage […]

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Conservation easement deductions

Donating a conservation easement can provide taxpayers with a legitimate charitable deduction, so long as the donation meets certain requirements. But beware of bad actors promoting conservation easements with deductions that exceed the amount invested in the property. Typically, you’re allowed to claim a charitable contribution deduction for the fair market value of a conservation […]

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Scrupulous records and legitimate business expenses are the key to less painful IRS audits

If you operate a business, or you’re starting a new one, you know records of income and expenses need to be kept. Specifically, you should carefully record expenses to claim all the tax deductions to which you’re entitled. And you want to make sure you can defend the amounts reported on your tax returns in […]

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