Selecting a qualified auditor for your employee benefit plan

Does your organization offer health care and retirement benefits for its employees? Benefit plans with 100 or more participants are generally required to have their annual reports audited under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). Here’s some guidance to help plan administrators fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities for hiring independent qualified public accountants […]

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Can you claim a bad debt deduction?

Business taxpayers may be able to claim a bad debt deduction if they meet the criteria. There must be an established good-faith intention to create a debtor-creditor status and an enforceable obligation to pay a set sum. One real estate developer claimed a bad debt deduction for money that he’d advanced to related entities. He […]

Read More Can you claim a bad debt deduction?

Tax return on extension?

Did you request an extension to file your tax return after the standard April 18, 2023, deadline? If so, you now have until Oct. 16 to prepare and file it with the IRS. Don’t wait until the last minute! As soon as possible, gather your records for the 2022 tax year and make an appointment […]

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